Owen Moore
Director and Senior Partner
Owen works 4 days/week in the NHS as an Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner (APP) He has worked for NFP/OGD's for over 25 years+.
Consultations :: Friday and Saturday morning clinics
Evening clinics can be organised upon request but these are charged at maximum tariff.
His primary interests are the diagnosis and treatment of movement impairment syndromes and precision movement. He is an advisor to the Remaker portable strength tracking device.
Owen is a novice bluebelt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) - come and join him at Roll Deep BJJ.
OWen is responsible for designing this website so any errors are his to own - please send any feedback to him.
BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy 1995 (B'ham)
Adv Cert in OH 1998 (UEA)
MSc in Health Services Research 2009 (Nottingham)
PGCert in Injection Therapy 2013 (Nottingham)
Olympic Weight Lifting coach (Level 1)
Crossfit Level 1 certification (Ret'd)
Level 2 PD Warrior Certification (Ret'd)